Information on identification |
Ref. code: | BT-F-00062-15 |
Former reference codes: | 15 |
Title: | Certificat de botez |
Creation date(s): | 3/4/1893 |
Level: | niv.Dosar |
Information on content and structure |
Contains also: | Certificat de botez pentru Sigismund Dombrovschi (1869) însoţit de otraducere în limba română |
Forma de păstrare: | copie |
Conditions of access and use |
Language: | germană; română |
Descriptors |
Entries: | Suceava (OLD\Toponime) |
Usage |
Permission required: | Nu este cazul |
Physical Usability: | Fără restricții |
Accessibility: | Public |
URL for this unit of description |
URL: | http://cautare-is.arhivelenationale.ro/cautare-Is/detail.aspx?ID=191352 |