SV-00035-I Pachetul I, 1411-1710 (c) (niv.Subfond (parte structurală))

Archive plan context


Information on identification

Ref. code:SV-00035-I
Ref. code AP:SV-00035-I
Title:Pachetul I
Creation date(s):1411 - approx. 1710
Level:niv.Subfond (parte structurală)

Information on extent

Archival Material Types:Documente medievale

Conditions of access and use

Finding aids:Inventar nr. 279

Information on related materials

Originals (existence, storage location):Serviciul Judeţean Suceava al Arhivelor Naţionale, Str. Alexandru cel Bun nr. 45D

Additional comments

Ident instituție/persoană responsab. descriere:Serviciul Judeţean Suceava al Arhivelor Naţionale


Permission required:Nu este cazul
Physical Usability:Fără restricții

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